Rider: Stacie @just_glidin21, Florida, 2021 Harley Davidson Street Glide
Moto Mama Rendezvous Jasper AR August 26-27th
Moto Mama Rendezvous is an all women campout put together by The Iron Lilies of Arkansas,
The Litas of Arkansas (Springdale) and the Twizted Sisterz in the heart of the Ozarks.
This was the first moto campout they had ever done and we must say they did an AWESOME
job and I’m looking forward to returning next year.
Tiffany had been out on the road for approximately 14 days after her trip to Sturgis and the
Dream Roll out in Washington State and was headed to Jasper AR for this event. When I
realized she was going I wanted to go too since I had been to the Ozarks twice before and I knew
we would have a blast.
I headed out from Florida a couple of days before and made my way to Moyers Oklahoma to
meet Tiffany and camp at KRiver Campground that is owned by Adam Sandoval who many of
you know in the motorcycle community.
His campground is one that we will definitely be back to stay at. Its beautiful, clean and it was
quiet...although I’m sure it’s not that way during his Stubborn American Rally held in October
every year.....this will be on the books to check out for sure.
We practically had the campground to ourselves so we decided to explore the grounds and
headed over to the petting zoo where we met the fastest tortoise we have ever seen, the cutest
donkey, a few pot belly pigs, a fuzzy bunny, and a couple of goats. We even adopted a very shy
cat we named K who then became best buds with us and even slept in our Glamping tent that
Adam was a great host, he even took us out on his UTV and we explored the back trails of the
campground and rode with him the next morning to get breakfast at a great place called the
Hateful Hussy located in Talihina OK.
We took a beautiful scenic route to Jasper when we had a little snafu with a saddlebag that
decided it wasn’t going to stay on Tiffany’s bike....apparently, saddlebags don’t like bumps and,
well, it went skidding down the road. Tiffany quickly jumped off her bike and went to fetch it.
Soon we had a couple of cars pull over to make sure us girls were ok when we soon learned this
was no ordinary guy and a couple of concerned residents...this in fact was the Warden and two
correction officers letting us know we were on their property and apparently they have issues
with people throwing drugs off the bridge that we were on so that the prisoners will find it when
out cleaning up the road ways. We quickly assured them we were not there to toss drugs off the
bridge or spring an inmate. We were on our way in no time and made it to the beautiful town of
Jasper where we camped for the next two nights at the Dogwood Springs Campground on the
scenic byway of route 7.
The event was small which we both agreed we liked since it gave us time to just relax and get to
know the other ladies.
We woke up early as usual to hit the road and go and explore the area and headed out on route 7
which is a scenic byway and of course made our way into Eureka Springs which is a great little
We definitely rode the Pig Trail which is considered to be one of the top rides in the Ozarks...its
a must ride with beautiful outlooks and sweepy roads. Theres so many beautiful scenic routes to
ride but we just didn’t have the time.
We headed back to camp for the night where we just chilled, ate, drank, socialized and got some
great entertainment by the DJ...IYKYK!
Tiffany and I had talked about attempting an Iron Butt and riding all the way back to Florida and
figured if we were going to do it we should at least be recognized by the Iron Butt Association so
that’s exactly what we did.
We were up before the chickens, packed and ready to roll back to Florida and knew we would
have a long day and night ahead of us and just plugged away at the miles.
We arrived back in Florida around 2am and rode over the 1,000 miles in 24 hrs required by the
association in just 20 hrs....Phew!
So, we hope that the ladies put together another awesome event for next year and we would love
to see more ladies come out to this event....you won’t be disappointed I promise
Be safe out there...FTW!